Software Engineer with 7+ years of profressional programming experience within the e-commerce, traffic control and event industries.
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Resuable animation library I've created for myself to use for building Shopify Themes.
ProblemAs Shopify stores grow, third party apps are usually installed which can cause slow downs.
GoalWanted to utilize the power of WebGL without having to import an entire library, creating a modern engine that is light and has just enough functionality for a business
Custom Shopify Theme that was built from the Dawn theme. Designed and created custom componenents specifically for Future Flora
ProblemClient needed help designing and implementing a custom theme for their Shopify store in order to stand out.
GoalCreated a custom theme based on business needs and designs the client requested.
Pass: floraA bot that utilizes OpenAI and WaniKani API to gather and translate Japanese Text for my classmates.
ProblemSometimes Kanji is hard to read. I wanted a way to translate texts that contain kanji and convert them into Hirigana without having to open up my browser.
GoalCreate a bot that can handle simple beginner Japanese class needs such as translations, and fun little features.
Internal Traffic Control web application that assissted traffic controllers in daily tasks.
Tech:Quote generating web application for HVAC workers.
Tech:Custom Shopify Shop. Built with Shopify. Created custom layouts and pages using Liquid templating language.
Tech:Product Search and Tracking integration on headless Shopify store. Built with NextJS, integrated Klevu, and deployed through Vercel.
TechStatically generated fashion portfolio that uses third party animation libraries and Netlify CMS to handle content.